Sorting systems

Automated sorting solutions

The ZenRobotics Recycler is not purpose-built, and can be integrated into any system. It should ideally be installed as described in the layout. It can also be updated on the software side at any time, and thus represents a future-proof investment.

Manufacture from standard industrial components, the robot is able to differentiate between valuable raw materials and waste thanks to machine learning processes. Originally designed for the sorting of mixed construction waste, its range of services is constantly expanding.

Materials are recognized by evaluating a wide range of sensor data. These include cameras for the visible spectrum, a 3-D laser scanner, key sensors, and near-infrared technology (NIR). The interaction of this sensor data enables a highly accurate analysis of the waste flow – unique in this form!


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  • Increased yields thanks to improved raw material recovery
  • Lower sorting costs thanks to automated sorting
  • Lower energy consumption thanks to high-precision recovery


ZR Next Generation ZenRobotics Recycler

The world’s fully automated robot sorting device. Created in partnership between Avermann and ZenRobotics.