Mobile and stationary bin-lift devices

Your system for efficient handling of waste bins

Emptying bins made easy with Avermann

We make it easy for you to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

Avermann bin-lifters can be used to empty standard and custom-made waste bins. They are supplied either as an integral part of the mobile or static compactor or as a stand-alone unit that can be connected to existing machines. Our bin-lifters can also be fitted with a mechanical lid opener for large waste bins (MGB) with round lids.

Download Product data sheet

Mechanical lifting comb for 120/240 l bins
Stationary bin-lifter installed on a ramp
  • Compatible: Countless potential applications upstream of 10 RM, 20 RM ring machines, and 20N RM wet waste compactors
  • User-friendly: Rapid on-site conversions
  • Versatile: Mobile or static versions
  • Flexible: for large waste bins in 660 l, 770 l, and 1,100 l sizes with flat lid
  • Easily integrated: power supply to 10/20 RM bin-lift and machine via one power supply
  • Safe and clean: Collection tray to prevent site contamination
  • High performance: lifting capacity
  • Individual production of special containers
  • optional comb for 120 l and 240 l large waste bins (MGB)
  • Hydraulic lifting comb for weights in excess of 40 kg
  • Stainless steel slide plate, e.g. for acidic or aggressive materials
  • 2-cylinder version